How To Install Microsoft Windows XP? A COMPLETE GUIDE

In this lesson I will show you how to install a new fresh Microsoft Windows XP on your (PC/Laptop), it’s a quite easy and simple process but it requires confidence from people who never tried this before.

Table of Contents

Precautions before Installing Microsoft Windows XP:

Important Files Backup

Normally the Partition where the Windows installed previously (like C: partition) will be formatted, so it’s better to backup all your files on that drive represented by the files on the Desktop, My Documents folder, My briefcase folder, C partition root files … etc.

Prepare the Drivers CD

Before installing Microsoft Windows XP on your (PC/Laptop), you have to prepare the Drivers’ CD priorly, if you don’t have the driver’s CD don’t format the existing Windows without providing at least the network card driver so you can download all the drivers from the Internet.

In case you don’t have any drivers for your (PC/Laptop) peripherals, try to download them from the internet using another computer from the original product’s website (don’t download any driver from other websites rather than the original website of the product).

You can also extract all the drivers from the existing Windows before formatting it by using special tools designed for this regard.

Setting the CD/DVD drive as the first bootable drive

[scheaven_infobox color=”grey” width=”100″ align=”left” icon=”info2″]Before starting with the installation you have to set the CD/DVD drive to be the first bootable drive in order to start booting the computer from the Windows CD instead of the Hard Drive.[infoclose color=”grey”]

How to do that?

  • First, restart your computer and once it reaches the very begining black window start pressing the F2 (or F12 it depends on your mother board type) till you enter to the boot menu as shown below.
  • Then by using the arrow keys and (+)/(-) signs on the key board you can select the CD/DVD drive to be the first bootable one as shown below.
  • Then press F10 and click ok to save the changes and reboot.

Installation process of Microsoft Windows XP

Watch Firas perform the Windows Operating System installation.

Windows XP Installation Part 1

Windows XP Installation Part 2

Firas Sameer

This is me Firas Sameer the founder of Dealing With Windows, I am a computer and telecommunication engineer with over 14 years of experience, I love helping people and I love spending some of my free time posting useful articles for free about Microsoft windows.

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