shareware software

Shareware software distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are required to register it (or purchase the Licensed...

Session Cookies

Are cookies that will expire when you have finished your session on the website (some websites need these cookies enabled to function correctly).

SATA Cable

Serial Advanced Technology Attachment, it is a new generation of normal ATA-1 interface, consists of a very thin cables with small 7-pin connectors which will allow maximum air flow inside the case,...


Single Data Rate SDRAM ,a RAM that can accept one command and transfer one word of data per clock cycle which is compatible with old types of Mother boards, it is working synchronously with the CPU...


An unwanted files that have many side effects that mainly comes from the Internet, they come in different ways and behaviors like recording your personal information, slow down your system, steal...